Research Centre For Human Rights
About us
The Centre for Human Rights (DME) (estd. 2017) is a trans-disciplinary centre of excellence for national and international academic research, teaching and critical study on human rights. It focuses upon academics, research, students, practitioners and activists who wish to advance the study and promotion of human rights at local, national and international levels. The Centre aims to increase public awareness about the domestic and international human rights standards, laws and procedures through research projects, education programs and publications. It ardently focuses to undertake and facilitate interdisciplinary human rights research projects.
Contact details of the centre members
The Centre for Human Rights is devoted to promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms by:
- Conducting investigation, research, campaigning and sensitization in individual cases as well at local, national and international level.
- Providing truthful, judicious and instantaneous information and complaints to the National Human Rights Institutions, the United Nations bodies and other appropriate bodies.
- Active participation of students, staff and all progressive individuals of the society.
- Motivating individuals to act as human rights guardian and form effective groups through relevant training in order to safeguard the human rights.
- Providing legal, political and practical advice according to the needs of individual and the society on various aspects of human rights.
- spreading awareness by hosting workshops, seminars and conferences; co-ordinating interdisciplinary human rights teaching and internship programs and providing a forum for domestic and international debate on contemporary human rights issues
The activities undertaken by members of the Centre spans national, regional and international concerns. This will lead not only to the production of world-class publications in the form of books, edited collections, and articles but also research outputs geared towards bringing about public policy change and contributing positively to public debate. The centre members will regularly prepare and submit responses on the ongoing human rights issues in society to the government of India and beyond. It will contribute positively to newspaper, television radio debates, and other relevant social media. In this way the centre will help in bringing about effective legal and public policy changes in India and beyond.
Vision and mission
- Centre for Human Rights at DME is committed to interdisciplinary excellence in the education of undergraduate and graduate students in the field of human rights;
- Promotion of Human Rights through educational outreach, includes conferences, seminars and publications here we can use education as a tool to combat violations of human rights.
- It alsoseeks to provide timely and accurate information; through research and campaigns and lobbies about country situations or individual cases.
- It aims to increase the impact of human rights.
Research and Publication
- Articles, Papers, Workshops, Seminars & conferences.
- Certified courses by the college or other affiliated institutions.
- Advanced Human Rights Courses – series of one-week intensive and advanced short courses covering aspects of human rights.
Awareness: Identification of Target Groups
- Students of primary schools (mid day meal, vaccination, nutrition etc).
- Students of inter, graduate & law students.
- Women
- Fourth class employees.
- Outside DME child labour in shops.
- Auto and taxi drivers.
- Factory workers.
- Rickshaw puller, beggars, daily wages workers.
- Victims of Natural calamities etc.
Sensitization, Protection Of Human Rights
- District Administration.
- Advocates, Law Teachers, Media, NGO’s.
- Courts.
- Law students.
- Police.
- Human rights Court (ADJ 1st).
- District Legal aid committee.
Current Research Area
Centre’s current area of research for the current session is “Right to Choose” which can be better portrayed as “Recognition and Protection of Right to Choose: The Changing Landscape of Marriage & Marriage Lite”.
Title: Recognition and Protection of Right to Choose: The Changing Landscape of Marriage & Marriage Lite
Research Related Questions-
- Whether the Right to Choose was available to the individuals even before the laws were codified?
- Whether the Right to Choose is protected in all legal systems irrespective of the religion?
- Do parents have right to choose their child’s marriage partner?
- Whether the existing legislations are sufficient to make the right to choose effective?
- Is there any need of any fresh legislation to make the right to choose effective?
- How far the Right to Choose the partner is protected under the personal laws in India?
- How far the Right to Choose is effective under the Special Marriage Act, 1954?
- Is right to choose a part of right to privacy?
- Should this right be absolute or restricted?
- Whether it can be included as a fundamental right under the Indian Constitution?
Literature Review
As there has been limited studies in this area therefore prima facie we have studied few books, research papers, articles and will also try to find the jurisprudentia for using term like “Right to Choose” as used by the courts.
Research Gap
Courts have been interpreting Article 21 of the Constitution for giving depth and detail to the “inner” aspects of the right to life. In the face of increasing state intervention in the matter of personal choices, and questioning of earlier notions of what is a matter of choice the “right to choose” is still lagging behind for recognition. Though they have accepted it to be an integral part of “Right to Life” but have never tried to recognize it officially. There has not been substantial study on this grey area of Right to choose nor any proper legislation or implementation mechanism for the protection of the same. Therefore this centre aims to abridge this gap by the means of this research paper.
Objectives and Hypothesis
The objectives of the present study are to ensure that every human being gets all those rights which he is entitled as being human. It includes the identification of target groups whose human rights we are talking. It also includes as to how human rights are to be protected and by whom. The centre will test the following two hypotheses doctrinally and if needed by empirical research.
- Hypothesis 1 – The existing legislations are sufficient to make the right to choose effective.
- Hypothesis 2 – There is need of fresh legislation to make the right to choose effective.
- Hypothesis 3 – We have right to choose an occupation of our choice but not a partner.
Prospective methodology
Doctrinal method shall be adopted in the research undertaken. For this purpose the libraries of DME, IP University, Delhi University, ILI, etc. shall be visited for the collection of relevant material. If the study will require public opinion then empirical method will be adopted in order to come to a sound conclusion.
Probable outcomes and discussion
Truly speaking the right to choose is being exercised by the new generation, which has taken a lead in comparison to law, which is lagging behind. Law has to keep pace with the changes in the society. At the same time law must respect the wishes of the society and vice versa. Hence, there is a need for legislation for recognition and protection of love, marriage and marriage lite. Draft legislation for enforcement promotion & protection of Right to Choose.
Contact details of the centre members