Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre
About Us:
The justice dispensing system in India has come under great stress for several reasons, chief of them being the huge pendency of cases in courts in India underlining the need for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods. Alternative Dispute Resolution or ADR refers to an assortment of dispute resolution procedures that primarily serve as alternatives to litigation and are generally conducted with the assistance of a neutral and independent third party. Mediation, Conciliation, Arbitration, Lok Adalats, Med-Arb, Early Neutral Evaluation and Mini Trial are some of the examples of ADR procedures. The ADR centre of DME therefore, thought it necessary to provide a new forum for debate and research on the practice and procedure of ADR techniques for resolving international and domestic commercial disputes quickly.
The Centre aims to promote research and teaching in ADR procedures namely: –
- Mediation
- Conciliation
- Arbitration
- Lok Adalats
- Mini Trial
Vision and Mission:
The objectives of ADR centre of DME is to ascertain, examine and analyze the concept and law relating to ADR, to further ascertain, examine and analyze the framework, avenues, practices and procedures relating to ADR and more specifically relating to four individual ADR processes namely Mediation, Conciliation, Lok Adalats & Permanent Lok Adalats and Arbitration with reference to Delhi and to further ascertain and analyze their necessity, advantages and shortcomings and further to evaluate their efficacy and accomplishments again with reference to Delhi and to further formulate plausible remedial measures for overcoming the shortcomings and propose suggestions for their better and more effective implementation and progress in Delhi.
Scope Of Work
- The Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre of DME aims at academic and policy-oriented research in the areas of Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation.
- The Centre will primarily focus on carrying out intensive and extensive research on important contemporary issues in these areas. Its research projects would focus on making people know about the ADR techniques in simple and effective manner.
- The Centre will collaborate with institutions of ADR and with the support of people working in ADR sector will be providing training and awareness to the people about the benefits of ADR through various awareness camps and classes.
- To increase awareness about the ADR techniques the centre aims to organize an essay competition on theme of ADR for undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. level candidates.
- The Centre will be conducting field studies of the institutions of Arbitration in Delhi and will try to work with them in creating awareness about arbitration Law through short term courses and diploma courses.
- The Centre will be conducting field studies of the institutions of Conciliation in Delhi and will try to work with them in creating awareness about arbitration Law through short term courses and diploma courses.
- The Centre will be conducting field studies of the institutions of mediation in Delhi and will try to work with them in creating awareness about arbitration Law through short term courses and diploma courses.
- The Centre aims at providing settlement to issues in various areas like Family disputes, Consumer disputes, Rent issues, Property disputes, Cheque issues, Motor Accident cases etc. and to achieve this aim the centre would start a full working ADR centre in DME.
- The centre aims to publish in the form of a book a extensive research study of “Effectiveness of ADR techniques in Delhi NCR region”
Current Research Area
“Effectiveness of ADR techniques in Delhi/NCR region”
Delhi is a legally advanced city and the variety, complexity and enormity of litigation in Delhi has no parallels as far as India is concerned. Burdened with colossal spurt in litigation on the one hand and adorned with superior infrastructure, flourishing trade and commerce, vibrant corporate sector and educated and aware masses on the other hand, Delhi has tremendous potential for development of ADR and indeed Delhi has been one of the pioneers in the adoption and implementation of ADR.
Albeit, a whole gamut of procedures are available under the umbrella of ADR, primarily four ADR processes namely Mediation, Lok Adalats, Arbitration and Conciliation have attained noteworthy recognition in Delhi. ADR has been extremely effective in Delhi in the recent past and although it is a developing subject, it has tremendous potential in times to come. A lot of Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation Centers are in Delhi which pave the way for a thorough research on the subject.