The bi-annual meet of DME Research Cell was held on February 17, 2020 at 1330 hrs at Seminar Hall, DME. Research Cell along with its nine centres vis-à-vis Centre for Management Research (CMR), Centre for Excellence in Sustainable Development (CSD), Centre for Research and Innovation in Media (RIM), Centre for Enviro-Legal Studies (CELS), Centre for Criminal Law and Justice (CCLJ), Centre for Constitutional Law & Human Rights (CCHR), Centre for Law on Gender and Sexuality (CLGS), Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution (CADR) and Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (CIPR) gave presentation about their research achievements in the previous academic session and their vision for coming academic session. The session was coordinated by Ms. Akanksha Marwah and Ms. Shipra Sinha.
The presentation for Research Cell was opened by Ms. Shambhavi Mishra who talked about the structure of Research Cell, books published and yet to be published by DME through Research Cell, workshops for creating legal awareness about cyber bullying conducted by Research Cell in various schools in Delhi and NCR and Research Day activities conducted by Research Centres. Subsequently, Ms. Upasana Singh continued with the presentation and talked about the inception of Student Core Committee under the Research Cell and its contribution. She also talked about the 6-day Faculty Development Program on ‘IPR and its application in Law, Management and Media’ conducted by Research Cell in compliance with the parameter 3.2.2 of NAAC. Further, she talked about plan of action for next six months and launching of three annual peer-reviewed open access e-journals covering Law, Management and Media departments. She concluded with the research contribution of individual research cell members inside and outside DME.
Subsequently, each Research Centre gave its presentation covering the following:
1. Research day activities conducted by the respective centres in the last semester i.e. July- December, 2019
2. Research day activities to be conducted by the respective centres in the coming semester i.e. January- June, 2020
3. The members of 6 Research Centres of Law Department gave report about their individual submission in the Book titled as ‘Court Room One: 2018-19’ published by DME through Research Cell.
4. The members of CMR gave report about their submission of chapters in the Book ‘Art of The Digital Start-Ups: Problems & Prospects’ published by DME through Research Cell.
5. The members of RIM gave report about their contribution in the Book titled as ‘Issues of Voting and Media Usage by Youth’ and an upcoming reference book under the proposed title ‘Development Communication’ as their Research Project.
6. The members of each Research Centre also shared research contribution made by them inside and outside DME in the previous semester.
7. Every member proposed an area of research relating to their Research Centre and names of at least three UGC CARE Listed or SCOPUS Indexed journals of their choice for publication of at least two articles in the coming semester.
This was concluded with distribution of Certificates of Appreciation to members of Research Cell, Ms. Upasana Singh, Ms. Akanksha Marwah, Ms. Shipra Sinha, Ms. Shambhavi Mishra, and Mr. Pramod Pandey for appreciating their contribution in the field of research.